Vol.4 No.1 : Jun. 2016
Utopia or Distopia
Guk-Hee Suh Editor-in-Chief, JoHTA; Professor, Hallym University School of Medicine, Hwaseong, Korea J Health Tech Assess 2016;4(1):1-4
Original Article
Health-Related Quality of Life by Health States Related
Ji Jeong Park1 , Sung-Hee Oh2 , Ji Hye You1 , Ja Youn Lee1 , and Sangjin Shin1 National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA), Seoul, Korea J Health Tech Assess 2016;4(1):23-29
MitraClip for Mitral Regurgitation in Patients at High Surgical Risk: Review on Safety and Effectiveness
Sae Im Chun Abbott Vascular Korea, Seoul, Korea J Health Tech Assess 2016;4(1):14-22
Review Article
Patient Safety and Health Technology Assessment in Korea
Sang-il Lee Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea J Health Tech Assess 2016;4(1):5-7
Who Is the Worse Off in Health Care Resource Allocation?
Eun-Young Bae School of Pharmacy, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea
J Health Tech Assess 2016;4(1):8-13
Case Report
Introducing a Health Promoting Pharmacy Model:Safe Pharmacy Program of Seoul
Hye Kyeong Park1 , Seung Mi Choi2 , Sun Hee Kim, and Eunjeong Kang3 School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea Korea Institute for Pharmaceutical Policy Affairs, Seoul, KoreaDepartment of Health Administration and Management, Soonchunhyang University, Asan, Korea J Health Tech Assess 2016;4(1):30-33